The Roll20 Team
Give a warm welcome to our new graphics developer!
Corey brings with him excellent experience and an eagerness to get right into the work and Roll20 itself. As game developer himself, his perspective is invaluable as we continually strive to refine and enhance the Roll20 experience.
We’re so excited for him to bring his expertise and talents to Roll20.
__Corey: Graphics Developer __
_Hey all! My name is Corey and I’m hyped to join the team. I’m a veteran Global Game Jammer. Currently gming a group through the end Waterdeep Dragonheist and playing in a homebrewed CoS as well as a SKT campaign. When I’m not doing web or game related activities you can probably find me biking somewhere. _
Thank you to Corey for stopping by to introduce yourself, and we’re thrilled to have him joining us!